Fabric Doorstop Workshop with Clare @ Ragtag Arts



We will be making beautiful fabric doorstops in this workshop. Yours could be anything from an owl to a palm tree to just something lovely and colourful. We have lots and lots of lovely fabrics to choose from to make your doorstop. All materials provided. The workshop takes place at Ragtag Arts, just outside of Kendal. We are a community arts organisation, and home to the Scrapstore - an Aladdin's cave of crafty goodies, all diverted from landfill. At Ragtag we are passionate about using waste materials to produce beautifully crafted items of a high quality. This workshop will be delivered by Clare, one of the Ragtag team! Clare graduated from the University of Leeds with a BA Hons in Art & Design in 2013, and since then has been developing her own practice in painting, mix media, and textiles. When Clare's not working at Ragtag, she can be found upstairs creating in her studio!

What's included in the price?

- Friendly supportive tuition. - All materials and equipment, there is no need to bring anything with you. Hot drinks and cakes can be purchased in our coffee shop. This is an adult workshop, 16yrs+. Anyone under 18yrs must be accompanied by an adult.


3 hours

Cancellation policy

Easy - Cancellation and a full refund can be obtained up to 2 weeks before the course starts



Ragtag Arts

with Craft Courses since 2023

Message the tutor

Ragtag Arts is a community arts centre just outside of Kendal, run by a team of enthusiastic and slightly dis-functional amazing artists! We run a range of workshops for children, teens and adults, from ceramics to weaving! Our building is home to our Scrapstore, an Aladdin's cave of crafty goodies, all diverted from landfill - it's a crafter's paradise! Open to the public four days a week. You can also visit our crafty cafe to sample our delicious hot drinks and cakes! Upstairs is where our artist studios are, home to 10 different artists and makers. (this area is not usually open to the public, only on our open days). Here we also have our ceramic studio, which is open to the community to use.

Suitable for

  • Adults
  • Seniors
  • Teenagers
  • Wheelchair users
  • Hearing impaired
  • Vision impaired
  • Limited mobility
  • Learning difficulties (SEN)
  • Engagement, birthdays & anniversaries
  • Suitable for beginners
  • Stag dos
  • Hen dos
  • Corporate days out & team building
  • Parking provided
  • School holiday workshops & activities
bronze badge
What does this mean?
Message the tutor


Ragtag Arts, , unit 16, Mealbank Mill Industrial Estate, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9DL